after playing Embiggen, Breath of Dreams one Juicy Psychmelon can pull out all duplicates
only spells are singleton to get most value out of Embiggen
use Frizz Kindleroost after going singleton.
Youthful Brewmaster, Elise the Enlightened can copy infinitely your zero mana dragons generated by Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or…
you can keep one of Breath of Dreamss and Ysera, Unleashed with Elise the Enlightened and Youthful Brewmaster to have infinite portals
good luck
This is very interesting, but you must play at least one Embiggen, Breath of Dreams and Juicy Psychmelon to get things working.
If you don’t, you might have useless Zephrys, Elise, Frizz and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza on your hand.
I guess sometimes the two copies of one of those cards will be in the bottom of the deck, but in general the odds are good.
If highlander decks are a thing, players will add albatroz to their decks… its gonna be fun…
the actual benefit is you got 7 duplicates but you gotta draw 3 to be singleton or you can make it even 2. zephrys and Elise had a permanent sit in every quest druid uldum, the benefit was obvious, just imagin Elise in middle of the game, looks odd right? we used to see her in fatigue, this is profit
Now that I understand the late game…I def like this
glad te hear that 🙂
What happens when you have SEVEN dream portals in your deck tho?
you can replace Baleful with a Brewmaster and Ysera plays your anti fatigue role and you have 7 random dragons every other turn
What I meant was, wont those 7 identical portal cards kill the Highlander applications?
i know and it will, my answer was you play Ysera when you have, Brewmaster,Elise and Ysera in your hand as you only cards remaining. you play Elise you get 2×Ysera 2×Bremaster, then Brewmaster your Elise. next turn you play Ysera and you get 7 portals in your deck which 6 are gonna be summoned… so no clash with your singleton cards
Now it makes sense. So, Yserra Unleashed is only going to be a late game play then