VS Jade (credit: dmh discord’s ace article):
Shuffle 1 Dirty rat into your deck first. The draw whole deck and leave only these cards in hand: Dead Man’s Hand (x2), Eternium Rover (x1), Lord Barov (x1), Dirty Rat (x2), and Battle Rage (x1). First, play DMH to shuffle in that hand. You’ll then want to play Lord Barov, Eternium Rover, and one of the Dirty Rats. Hero power to kill their minions and damage yours, then end your turn. Malfurion will then play a large green man, and either armor up or bump into your Dirty Rat. On your next turn, hit your opponent in the face for six damage, Battle Rage, and play the second Dirty Rat. The opponent will then summon an even larger green man and trade into the healthy Rat. On your turn, you’ll want to set up the combo a second time. Hit the opponent in the face with everything except Barov, shuffle your hand, play your minions (including the second Dirty Rat), and trade in the first Lord Barov.
VS Reno-Priest
Just ruin their day with Grizzled Wizard into Sir Finley after they have played Anduin.