General Mulligans
Autodefense matrix is best used in late game on strong minions like Tirion or Bolvar. Argent commander again is best used on a strong or taunt minion. Cryptology is very good against slower decks but in the current meta where many people are running Aggro Decks you need a strong 1 and 2 drop. Divine favor is best used in late game and your running low on cards almost never keep it
This deck uses divine shield cards from classic to un Goro to the new expansion The Boomsday Project such as giggling inventor and autodefense matrix to power up older cards such as blood knight and Bolvar the Fireblood while still providing a very strong deck. please let me know what you think and any suggestions you have as well.
Why no 1/4 sword that costs 4 that gets +1 every time a divine shield is lost?
Just Couldent fit it in. Thought about it but needed card draw so added divine favor instead