Divine Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-23 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In general you are looking for a quick start. Get minions on the board and gain control. I dump anything that is greater than 4 cost, and anything that needs another card like 'blessing of might'.

This is a deck I’ve been running for a few weeks and it always seem to do well, I’ve not seen anything else like it so far. The combos can be a killer.

The idea is that you play minions then boost them, with ‘Sword of Justice’ or ‘Enhance-O Mechano’. Minions with divine shields or windfury are key.

Play ‘Muster for Battle’ then ‘Enhance-O Mechano’ and boost the windfury minion for a big hit.

Use ‘Guardian Of Kings’ and ‘Lay on Hands’ for late game healing.

‘Divine Favor’ can get you cards when you need them.

‘Consecration’ will clear the board for you.

‘Big Game Hunter’ takes out the big guy when they play it.

‘Tirion Fordring’ is your heavy weight card and ‘Djinni of Zephyrs’ played right and boosted can win the game for you.

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