In past seasons I’ve had success running 2 darkshire alchemists. Haven’t really tried it recently but I remember them coming in handy with the auchenai and as fatigue heals
It’s a good card. I prefer using Greater Healing Potion to stall since the deck OTKs your opponent anyways, but swapping cards to accommodate your playstyle is totally fine too.
I see the Velen + embrace + flash heal x 2 damage but where is the rest of the damage to deliver lethal ? Or are you just assuming there will be chip damage ?
In past seasons I’ve had success running 2 darkshire alchemists. Haven’t really tried it recently but I remember them coming in handy with the auchenai and as fatigue heals
It’s a good card. I prefer using Greater Healing Potion to stall since the deck OTKs your opponent anyways, but swapping cards to accommodate your playstyle is totally fine too.
I see the Velen + embrace + flash heal x 2 damage but where is the rest of the damage to deliver lethal ? Or are you just assuming there will be chip damage ?
Made some edits, the new OTK is now:
Velen + Embrace + Mind Blast + Flash Heal x2
It is possible to add in another Mind Blast to develop a 8 mana 40 Dmg OTK with an emperor ping on all 6 spells.
9 mana* 🙂
How often can this deck hold out against aggro? Looks strong with all the board clears but fuck Pirate Warriors are fast.
It holds off well as far as board control goes, the only real problem is weapon removal. You can tech in an Acidic Swamp Ooze if you need to.