General Mulligans
Obviously you want Deck of Chaos as early you can to gain as much mana cheating as possible. Primordial Protector helps to draw it as well if you don't get it before 8 mana, and the 6 cost body usually helps a lot too. Circus Amalgam builds the N'Zoth res pool, and doesn't benefit from Deck of Chaos, so it's okay to grab that early. Drain Soul and School Spirits obviously you mulligan for against aggro classes.
Now this is a wacky deck I put together..
I’m mostly posting this to get some dialogue going about what might be better or worse in the deck, but so far I’m about 7-1 with this and I’m pretty excited to try and make it better.
Curious about adding Ruststeed Raider but obviously it doesn’t really fit with the “menagerie” style gameplay. Also I’d like to put Tamsin Roame in place of either Blademaster Samuro or Taelan Fordring, but I don’t have her and haven’t decided to craft her yet. I feel she would really help out with the control strategy of clearing minions and healing in the process, WITH an added benefit of becoming 1 mana after Deck of Chaos.
The consistency of Primordial Protector pulling Deck of Chaos is really nice too, making it pretty easy to pull it before 10 mana and really swinging the game, even if I’m behind.
Struggles against polymorph effects and hyper aggressive stuff if you brick and don’t get enough healing.
What do y’all think??
Edit: I took out Ysera and Blademaster Samuro in exchange for Tamsin and a second sleepy dragon. They felt good when they went off after deck of chaos, but just weren’t that useful otherwise. Tamsin is just too good for control gameplay. Also took out a Burning Blade Acolyte for an Enslaved Fel Lord for more immediate board presence when I need it, especially after chaos ensues, but that 1 mana rager acolyte is really awesome, so I kept one for fun.
Tamsin+Kaelthas can cheat deck of chaos
Ah I didn’t even think about Kael’thas, but I think he’s not really relevant anymore since all of his nerfs. It’s 10 mana to get both minions out alone, then you have to play your shadow spell, and deck of chaos costs 1, not zero. At that point, I’d rather just play deck of chaos for 6 and a couple drain souls to clear and heal.
Hey i tried making deck of chaos work too. I did made a similar List . Here are some suggestions for improvment. 1 card you didnt include what i think is a must include in a topend heavy deck like this is The Dark Portal. Cards that felt the best after i palyed Deck of Chaos where Sleepy Dragon and Enslaved fellord( I feel like this Card was made for Deck of Chaos). Also Archwitch Willow feels good. The rest of my List is pretty Similar.
Ah yeah, I got dark portal randomly off a scorpid and it did feel really good, I’ll try to find a way to add that.and I was thinking about adding the fellord, but I couldn’t really find a place with other heavy cards and early removal that seemed necessary. I’ll play around with it. Thanks for the input 🙂
After trying Dark Portal out for a few games, I realized I really don’t hoard cards like you normally do in hand lock, since there are no mountain giants, twilight drakes, plot twists, or anything anymore, so I’ve been using my resources more than saving things for dark portal, since it’s the only card that requires a large hand to succeed. Against control matchups, it makes sense, but I think there are more useful plays.