General Mulligans
Fiery Bat is a great card as it can deal with most 1 and 2 drops
Huge toad is basically an upgraded Fiery bat, and can deal with most 2 and some 3 drops
Leper Gnome isn't near what it used to be but it still is decent, don't be afraid to throw it back for something else if you have a better option though
Loot Hoarder is a great card because of its draw a card deathrattle
This Deck’s goal is to play safe with until you until you can play huge cards like Savannah Highmane and Call of the Wild, and if all goes well strong combos with Princess Huhuran and N'Zoth, The Corruptor . Use things like Quick Shot and Kill Command to keep your opponent’s board clear. If you can keep a clear board with your removals, on turn 6 ish start playing things like Cairne Bloodhoof , Sylvanas Windrunner , Infested Wolf and Savannah Highmane since they are all cards that have deathrattles that really helps things stay on the board. Pair Princess Huhuran with things like Twilight Summoner , Savannah Highmane , Sylvanas Windrunner , and Cairne Bloodhoof . A 5 mana along with any of their deathrattles is incredible value.