General Mulligans
Pretty standard mulligans. Your goal is to have 1 and 2 drops for early action. Arcane Blast and Explosion go well with Cult Sorcerer to help keep board control.
Hey Y’all, here’s my new Deathrattle Dragon Mage deck! It probably won’t get you to legend, but I promise it’s fun to play and you might just win a game or two. It’s packed with dangerous dragons and tons of deathrattle cards for N’zoth to summon. I hope you like it!
Deck Overview:
Early game you’re looking for Mana Wyrm, Cult Sorcerer, and Faerie Dragon. Arcane Explosion and Arcane Blast work well with Cult Sorcerer for early board clears against aggro decks.
Twilight Guardian and Fireball can be used to keep control of the board in the mid-game.
Flamestrike and Firelands Portal are included for late game board and minion clears.
Deathwing can help swing the game if you’re behind late, and combos well into N'Zoth, The Corruptor as a follow up to end the game.
Anomalus and Rhonin are included as fun Mage deathrattle cards. They would probably be the first two cards I sub out to make the deck even more competitive.
Thanks for checking out my deck!