General Mulligans
Skull of Gul'dan is always a keep in outcast position (also a keep if not in outcast but cards left to it can be played before turn 6.)
Death Speaker is always a keep (except vs Druid, Shaman and Mage).
Kazakus always a keep.
Tuskpiercer is a good keep.
Razorfen Beastmaster and Razorboar are good keeps with a deathrattle or a Tuskpiercer (can be kept without a synergy card but I'm not sure if that's optimal).
Wandmaker is a decent keep.
Illidari Studies is a decent keep.
Devouring Ectoplasm is a fine keep on the play.
Felrattler is a good keep vs Hunter
Aldrachi Warblades is a keep vs face decks (e.g Hunter, Shaman).
Flex Slots:
Wandmakers can be swapped with Sneaky Delinquents as this build is a bit starved of Deathrattles.
A faster build of the Deathrattle archetype.
Good job, the explanation is so nice, keep it up.
thank you <3