Death knight
- 1Bone Breaker1
- 1Fistful of Corpses1
- 1Heart Strike1
- 1Icy Touch1
- 1Noxious Cadaver1
- 1Runes of Darkness1
- 1Ymirjar Frostbreaker1
- 1Abusive Sergeant1
- 1Arms Dealer1
- 1Mistake1
- 2Astalor Bloodsworn1
- 2Bunny Stomper1
- 2Cactus Rager1
- 2Dire Wolf Alpha1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 2Dryscale Deputy1
- 2Flame Revenant1
- 2Kobold Geomancer1
- 2Kobold Miner2
- 2Loot Hoarder1
- 2Mad Bomber1
- 2Maze Guide1
- 2Murkwater Scribe1
- 2Murloc Tidehunter1
- 2Naval Mine1
- 2Nerubian Egg1
- 2Party Animal1
- 2Plated Beetle1
- 2Priest of the Deceased1