Darkwonyx’s WotOG (Standard) Healadin Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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There’s been a lot of hype around the new N’Zoth Deathrattle Healing Paladin, but here’s a similar list that cuts out the Deathrattle and goes heavy on the healing! It looks like a well-rounded list, and cards like Keeper of Uldaman that are so versatile and can take down that cards like Flamewreathed Faceless are extremely valuable in the meta currently. The deck also contains both Ragnaros, which gives you the ability to heal yourself while destroying your opponent!

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  1. Thepaincave
    May 2, 2016 at 12:39 PM

    I’m thinking Cyclopian Horror might be better than refreshment vendor to slow down zoo decks. Thoughts?

  2. hero
    May 1, 2016 at 9:07 PM

    i run my own homebrew that i like better….. it wrecks C’Thuid and Zoo. and can out fatigue Control Warrior but you need to draw right.

  3. Serox
    April 30, 2016 at 9:33 PM

    the problem with these attrition decks is that they get wrecked by combo decks that deliver 30 dmg in a single turn.
    C’thun and Anyfin are not really “combo” but it still dishes out 20-30 dmg in one go.

    • hero
      May 1, 2016 at 9:10 PM

      not 1 deck can beat every deck 😉 i

  4. RingozwenY
    April 30, 2016 at 9:49 AM

    Deathrattle version is probably better than this one, I don’t see so many threats