These are the decks that Jarla, CzechCloud, StanCifka, and Pokrovac used to become the Hearthstone Global Games Champions of Season 1!
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Freeze Mage
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Murloc Paladin
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Miracle Rogue
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Jade Druid
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Evolve Token Shaman
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Big Priest
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Aggro Pirate Warrior
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Demonlock
- Czech Republic’s HGG 1st Place Face Hunter
thanks to this deck i reached rank 6 (for the first time!), from rank 11 where i was stuck
hey what about -1 stormwatcher +barnes
thanks guys
Did they give any rationale for the stormwatcher, and did it actually help???
Corpse taker synergy
Windfury for the Corpsetaker
but why 2 tho?
You could draw one before the corpsetaker.
Amazing with all the buff cards, won my so many games out off nowhere
and synergies with corpsetaker as well!