This list is a very different take on Jade Druid. Altough Jade Druid was hyped to be a meta-dominant deck pre-gadgetzan, it failed miserably due to ist weak matchups against all sorts of Aggro Pirate decks. This lists Goal is to improve the winrate against Aggro by running more cheap minions. The Curator seemed like a good fit, because Enchanted Raven and Mounted Raptor are both really good early Drops and because Finley is a very flexible Card that can help out a lot by giving you a situational hero power. The Curator also provides some Card draw that is needed due to the many early drops and helps stalling out the game, especially against decks like Dragon Pirate Warrior. Power of the Wild also fits the deck really well. It could simply be a 2-drop against aggro, but can also buff your board when you are beginning to take over with your small Jade Golems.
This list isn´t really refined currently but I am going to update it while laddering with it in january.