C’Thun Druid

Class: Druid - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Try to get you earlygame minions and your ramp cards.

Aggro Mulligans

Wrath can clean up aggressive 1 health minions and cycle a card. 

Control Mulligans

Ramping at 2 and 4 mana crystals is your biggest goal vs controll.

C’Thun is launching with Whispers of the Old Gods and Druid has gotten some very strong tools to work with this dreadfull god to supliment the nerfed Druid core of Force of Nature + Savage Roar, Ancient of Lore and Keeper of the Grove. The natural ramp in Druid makes the class the most suited to include high cost cards. The combination of strong surviveability with the likes of Druid of the Claw, Ancient of War, Twin Empereror Vek’Lor (Hearthstone’s new Dr.7), and strong finnisher in C’Thun makes the deck overall a sollid controll deck.

Innervate: This card is self explanatory, the cards let you tempo out a big minion and skip weak turns.

Wild Growth: Lets you ramp stronger and skip your weak turn 3. Core card this deck.

Wrath: A great cycle card and your only card draw which is the main weakness of this deck. The flexibility to use it as removal makes it an auto-include.

Beckoner of Evil: With Naxx and GvG going out, a vanilla 2/3 body like Beckoner is far less punishing and buffs your C’Thun.

Brann Bronzebeard: The deck is stacked with Battlecries and suppliments Brann perfectly. Though the dream of Brann into C’Thun wont be a reality too often, that alone can be a gamechanger. In adition, the card dobbles the buffs on C’Thun, Twin Emperor Vek’Lor gets a third brother, Klaxxi Amber-Weaver becomes a 4/15 and Disciple of C’Thun deals 4 damage. The synergy is too strong to pass up.

Swipe: A removal printed in value town. Kills many minions, cleans up with the AoE and can be a finisher.

C’Thun’s Chosen: With Piloted Shredder leaving Standard, C’Thun’s Chosen may rise up as the new stable go-to 4 drop. Compared to Scarlet Crusader which is almost good enough to see play, you pay 1 mana for +1/+1. The really important part is the health jumping from 1 to 2 which makes it much harder to remove. Compared to Shredder, it leaves a 4/2 after attacking instead of a random 2 drop, though the divine shield is easier to break than killing the Shredder. Overall a strong 4 drop with the upside of buffing C’Thun. 

Klaxxi Amber-Weaver: Even though the goal of druid is to wild growth into 4 drop, the strength of a 4/10 minion is absurd. It’s likely to have played Beckoner of Evil on turn 2, Disciple of C’Thun on turn 3 and then dropping your 4/10 4 drop, that compared to Twilight Drake dosnt require you to hero power on the previous turns to be effective. With Brann you can drop a 4/15 and even in the late game its a strong minion to drop on the board. The card is also good enough to play as a Childwind Yeti if you have played Wild Growth on turn 2. Summed up it may be the strongest 4 drop in Hearthstone and a core card in any C’Thun Druid deck.

Mire Keeper: Honestly the new Keeper of the Grove. Drops a decent body and lets you ramp up into turn your strong 6 drops. The option to drop a 4 mana 5/5 devided into a 3/3 and a 2/2 also makes the card have more utility and uses and will fitt into most Druid decks.

Big Game Hunter: Even though it’s cost has been increased by 2 mana, the potential of this card is still amazing, beeing able to kill a high drop and getting a 4/2 body for 5 mana is still an awsome deal. If the meta is slow it can be okey to include to copies of BGH but that remains to be seen.

Druid of the Claw: A flexible and strong minion. Your only 5 drop and a core card.

Dark Arakkoa: One of the cards that makes C’Thun Druid. Compared to Druid of the Claw its 1 mana for +1/+1 and buffing C’Thun for +3/+3. Put this in your deck, period.

Emperor Thurissan: Lets you play your C’Thun and Alex a turn earlier and enables combos with Brann Bronzebeard.

Sylvanas Windrunner: A real tempomaker. The card makes your opponent choises very limited and with silence beeing slightly more rare, Sylvanas jumps into our deck. 

Ancient of War: Another strong taunt minion with great stat disrubution. Compared to Dark Arakkoa it’s 1 mana +3 helath.

Twin Emperor Vek’Lor: Dr.7 has returned. Vek’Lor is a must have card for any C’Thun deck. 7 mana 8/12 Taunt split in 2 bodies is amazing. The card is resistant to both bordclears and removal, survinging all existing board clears (Dont fool yourself thinking of Anomalus), and one of the Twins surviving removal. And why not combo the card with Brann to make it triplets. The card itself is a reason to put C’Thun in your deck.

Alexstrasza: Turn 9 Alex, Turn 10 C’Thun. The card is incredibly strong and has some flexibility to heal yourself as well as dealing 15 damage to your opponent packed into a big body.

C’Thun: The God himself. By turn 10 your C’Thun is likely to be at around at least 15/15 and if it dosnt kill your opponent it will destroy his board. Compared to Deathwing, its a stronger body that only hits your opponent and can end the game the turn you play him. C’Thun will be a gamechanger and the fact that you get him for free rounds it all out. 


The main weakness of this deck is that it lacks card draw as a result of Ancient of Lore not beeing a playable card anymore. If this becomes a problem i would suggest switching out Emperor Thurissan or Ancient of War for an Azure Drake or Nourish.

The following replacements will weaken your deck but can work if you lack some of the cards:

Alexstrasza: Ragnaros Firelord, if you have none of them, stack in an Azure Drake or Nourish

Twin Emperor Vek’Lor: Dont replace this card, but if you have to, put a 2nd Ancient of War or add more card draw

Sylvanas Windrunner: Azure Drake or Nourish

So the general thought is that if you are missing some of the big legendaries, switch them out with card draw to suppliment the loss of raw power with lightening the biggest weakness.

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