Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-69 - Style: fun

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Beckoner, Disciple, Chosen, and Geomancer all provide early buffs to your C'thun while still being solid early game minions. Bog Slosher can take advantage of the battlecries by recurring them early with a buff for additional board power. Barista Lynchen acts similarly, allowing you to essentially "draw" the minions you have in play, considering that every minion you play has a battlecry, this allows for early drawing without sacrificing too much tempo. Hagatha's scheme is more useful the earlier you draw it, so having it in your opening hand lets you destroy the enemy board for 5 mana later on (keep in mind I haven't tested this deck, it is purely a fun idea, so Hagatha's scheme might not be the best fit for what this deck tries to do). And Hex... Hex is just good... I don't see myself making a shaman deck without Hex... If you're aggro, goodbye taunt, if you're midrange, goodbye value, if you're control, goodbye wincon... starting with it is great.

The strat is simple– you buff C’thun, play C’thun, buff him more, play him again, and so on and so forth until you run out of C’thuns to play. Also included: Devolve, Hex, Hagatha’s Scheme, Volcano, Earthquake, and Twin Emperor (for staying alive). Also included: Bog Slosher, Barista Lynchen, Dopplegangster, Grumble Worldshaker, and Shudderwock (for more buffs and copies of C’thun.

Maximum value plays, play all of your buff cards, while using Bog Sloshers, Barista Lynchen, and grumble to maximize your value. Play C’thun, and have him die. Doomcaller him back, then use any extra recursion on the Doomcaller. Play both Doppelgangsters, then Shudderwock, and then pray that you get recursion on the Shudderwock (Don’t worry it’s actually likely considering two Doppelgangsters, AND 4 battlecries that recur your Shudderwock). then play as many Shudderwocks as you like before SLAMMING DOWN YOUR 1000,1000 C’THUNS!!

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