Cross has come up with some pretty awesome decks before, but he’s managed to stick Feugen, Stalagg, and Obsidian Destroyer into a Midrange Patron shell. The deck also includes a couple of Fierce Monkey to protect your face from aggro. Be sure to check out this VOD where he plays the deck in the high legend rankings on NA ladder!
Cross7224’s Season 23 Feugen & Stalagg Patron Warrior
- 0Inner Rage2
- 1Execute2
- 1Slam1
- 1Whirlwind2
- 2Armorsmith2
- 2Battle Rage2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 3Fierce Monkey2
- 4Death’s Bite2
- 4Kor’kron Elite1
- 7Obsidian Destroyer1
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
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I tried this deck at rank 5 and i currently am rank 3 that deck is awesome! I lose mostly to secret pala if I don’t draw my execute early. I my opinion this deck is good versus druid, tempo mages, zoolock and face hunter is OK. Bad matchups for me are secret paladin, dragon priest and control priest.
Also I don’t know if there is a special place for that kind of comment but I wanted to say to the creators of the site and admins a big thank you I am here for a months now but I just made an account. So good job and keep up the good work everyone
Glad you like it, thanks for making an account!
cp is a bad matchup for every variation of patron. I cut 1 monkey and added gorehowl. worked fine for the 5 matches i ve done so far, haven’t faced a cp so far, though (which was the mainreason for me to go for it. i feared it to be a problem with so many weapons already in this deck (especially because of deathsbite) but they haven’t interfered so far, because we re patron, we always have more than one possible play
I tryied some things with spamming minions, like shreder, sludge, obidian, hogger, and varian, who will call them later in the game and they will spam their minions like hogger, to be a sticky deck… went to 11 rank with that, maybe you could try and make it stronger , with patrons too…