CrazyPhoenix’s Miracle CThun

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-31 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You are likely to turn 1 pass, turn 2 hero power attack face, turn 3 attack face hero power. So you want your 4 drop.

Aggro Mulligans

shadow step and deal damage card let you control the early board easier than normal miracle rogue

Beta version of Miracle CThun.

You can combo CThun, blade of C’Thun with shadowstep as well.

Conceal to make your CThun and Gadgetzan stay on board.

Vanish is your board clear, use it carefully. can bounce your stuff too.

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  1. Thorwulfe
    October 29, 2016 at 4:43 AM

    Firebat’s deck