General Mulligans
If let's slay you get unlucky, and you draw your a 5 Mana Minion, don't be discouraged. as along as you have enough mana to play 3 cards minion after playing The Soularium, is just as much Value.
This was much Easier to make, but what was really interesting was Void Analyst , and you picture this as a Budget Prince Keleseth, but only works for Demons. And Warlock has a surpsingly good amount of Early Demons too. You have 14 Demons in Total so that’s almost a 50/50 (It’s 46.667%).
My Hyped up Warlock card is Soul Infusion, which gains more potential with Doubling Imp, Saronite Chain Gang and Omega Agent for the Value or Doomguard / Leeroy Jenkins for the Finisher.
Soul Infusion is such a good card, that I honestly think that you can legit trim or even retire your Scalebaes and your Fungalmancers. Players are Hyped up for The Soularium, but I am Hyped up for how much BS you can pull off now, with Copylock.
It’s also Surpiseingly Cheap-ish. This is a noob-friendly Deck, but it can also be just as much of a problem for the more higher ranked players such as 10-Rank for Example.
Praise Zoolock! He has Evolved! \(^-^)/