So jeeves is 100% needed for this deck to function, allows the deck to dig for it’s wincons and is just overall very strong. Echoing ooze isn’t a must but can be very strong, and dragon egg is the namesake of the deck, egg druid, so i’d highly recommend crafting jeeves and the egg
Jeeves is a MUST! Fills your hand when you’ve spent it.
I subbed 1x soul of the forest for Adapting Spores. AMAZING!
Subs for Jeeves/echooing Ooze and Dragon Egg ?
Jeeves is compulsory
So jeeves is 100% needed for this deck to function, allows the deck to dig for it’s wincons and is just overall very strong. Echoing ooze isn’t a must but can be very strong, and dragon egg is the namesake of the deck, egg druid, so i’d highly recommend crafting jeeves and the egg