Control’s #1 Legend Wild Egg Druid (January 2017, Season 34)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Token Druid Deck List Guide.
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The deck is NOT overrated as people in the comments are saying.
There is a reason if it got rank 1 legend, not every deck can do that, even with the best RNG and a very good player.
You cant judge a deck from one play session of 10-20 games, losing 10x in a row can happen to any deck in any matchup especially if making mistakes, which everyone does even pro players when you havent played a deck for well over 100 games.
Because yes this game is all about knowing what to do in which situation, and to master a deck fully (even face decks to an extend) you need to play each matchup multiple times to face the most possible situations.
Do not waste your time or your crystals with this deck. It does nothing but LOSE. .
In fact, look for other sites – this is the second supposedly great deck I’ve tried from this site and, like the first, it is CR*P!
And, BTW, to Aspirin’s comments that it’s a ‘very skill based deck’: I’ve got over 10,000 wins…
Further, don’t waste your time on this site – there are FAR better sites out there.
For another website 25-5 is BS there is no way to beat priest
Needs a bit of roping at times, meaning the plays aren’t standard, (ie play on curve, keep up tempo etc), like with other decks, which they are pretty much self explanatory. It’s not a super easy deck to play, if you havent played a lot of ranked games. But, when the positioning and buffing is done right it can perform really well! Targetable Hero Power damage is very important, so choose your other hero power wisely!
So … I played like 20 games with the deck. Rank 3 and 4 (got down to 4 from 3 with 1 star).
1. I can’t believe that the deck has a above average statistic against Pirate Warrior. Played like 4 games, lost them all (side note: I play a similar deck in Standard for 2 months and I know that it is do-able, but Ship’s cannon is a real pain in the ass). Maybe I got unlucky or maybe I’m a superbad player, but yeah.
2. On the other hand, I won all games against Shaman. The sticky minions alone are painful for him, and if you buff them he needs to draw very specific cards in the right order to catch up. So I would say that this deck is actually favored against Shaman.
3. I played 6 ‘control’ (red: Reno) matches, and faced Doomsayer turn 2 4 times (yeah I know, happens all the time). Regardless of that, absolutely no, you are not ‘farming’ on those decks. If you stumble the slightest (e.g. drawing Patches and both roars within your first, second and forth draw or don’t draw SotF OR if both of your Jeeves get handled) those games are nailbiters and you don’t have any control over the outcome beyond the 5th draw step (because you’re in topdeck mode and it depends more on what the Priest/Mage/Warlock does than what you do).
So, all in all, I feel like the deck is placed differently than what Control tells in his video. On the other hand, the deck is fun to play and 20 games still are no countable sample size (and Control played it to legend
Hi guys, any viable substitution for Alfred?
Nothing really works that well. While I’ve found that a lot of games end before I get Jeeves, he’s REALLY good whenever I get him. I suppose you could use a swipe for AoE or direct damage, maybe Acolyte of Pain or Loot Hoarders will work. It’s just a rare, so put it on your crafting list if you want to play the deck.
Thank you so much for the answer! You really get the point!
Played this and it was climbing the ladder pretty easily, didn’t have much trouble with secret paladin either.
Really love this deck. The standard version is quite nice but this one really shines with ooze and nerub egg.
What’s your though on replacing 1 jeeves for Genzo?
Nah. Genzo needs an attack to proc its effect, while Jeeves will trigger at the end of your turn (if you have less than three cards), so its effect goes off at least once.
I don’t understand how this guy got to rank 1 legend with this deck. I fought this deck twice with secret paladin and i always destroyed it. I simply played control than aggressive and they could never do anything.
As a long time egg druid player, you’d probably understand it better if you gave it a shot. It’s also a very skill based deck at times, so it’s possible you weren’t playing particularly good people.
On another note, especially at higher legend there isn’t so much secret paladin these days so being unfavored against secret paladin isn’t a terrible thing.
I bit more than i can chew. I encounter this deck twice on rank 12 and i got tossed down to 13 while using secret pally against this deck. RIP Secret Paladin. Can’t wait for a day when decks and the meta will be more control,midrange,tempo based again. I’m finished.
lol 2 games, nice samplesize man, i bet this dude faked his climb to #1 legend !!!
Obvious troll is obvious
Fighting any deck twice is a ridiculous way to judge it.
Hearthstone has enormous variance. If you want to meaningfully assess something, you need a much bigger sample size. Try playing against this deck maybe 25? 50? times, knowing that you and your opponent are playing your respective decks well, and you might have a good picture of how well the decks fare against each other.
Please don’t take this as an insult. Knowing how to judge decks in hearthstone is a big part of getting better at it.