Control Taunt/N’Zoth Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-37

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General Mulligans

You wanna mulligan most of these cards just because of the sheer cost of them but also because some of them do not provide any value until the mid-late game. A few cases are playing Cornered Sentry with Whirlwind. Or if you struggle against mid-range keeping Molten Blade for the possible True-Silver or War Axe. 

A taunt oriented control deck that has 2 great win conditions, N’Zoth and the new Warrior Quest. Very versatile in beating several archetypes such as Aggro, other Control/Mid-Range decks (due to extreme value), and can even compete with jade decks. This is just theory as these cards are not out yet but I believe that it is very good

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