General Mulligans
In order of appearance:
1) CSR - card draw & minion.
2) DC - 1 mana minion.
3) SJ - Sould fragments and a 3 health minion.
4) FF - Removal.
5) SS - Removal and soul fragments.
6) EB - Removal and lifesteal.
7) Magehunter - tempo disruption
Control Mulligans
In order of appearance:
1) CSR for card draw. If your opponent is not Demon Hunter, Mage or Rogue, it stays on board.
2) DC is 1 mana for a decent/strong minion and is more than likely to stay on board for 2 turns.
3) SJ gives 2 soul frags and, with 3 helth, is likely to stay on board for 2 turns.
4) FF is a turn 3 play and clears many minions.
5) Eye beam clears and restores health.
6) Magehunter because of druid and paladin.
This is an attempt at Soul Frag Demon Hunter. Aside from the soul frag cards, there are some typical control cards. Plenty of health gain.