Control Priest was once a gimmicky deck that was played by people who refused to let the Priest class die (Amaz early on, and now Zetalot). The deck now can take its place among the other strong decks in the meta. It has been given tools that help it in the early game (Museum Curator), and cards that help it even further in control matchups (Entomb). Even before its recent reawakening the class would cause people fits because of the way it would steal cards from them. With Entomb it has caused these people further annoyance because not only does it steal the card, it removes it from their board!
Control Priest Deck List Update – April 2016 (Season 25)
Not a lot of change to Control Priest currently. Harrison Jones is a card worth considering if you’re running into a lot of Shaman and Warrior. If you’re having trouble with control games, consider adding Elise Starseeker or Vol'jin.
Control Priest Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Northshire Cleric, Power Word: Shield, Wild Pyromancer, Deathlord, and Zombie Chow are great against aggressive decks. Museum Curator should be kept against just about every deck. Circle of Healing and Auchenai Soulpriest are kept against aggressive decks, and you can keep or look for Circle of Healing/Injured Blademaster against control.
Control Priest Tech Cards
Justicar Trueheart and Vol'jin are subject to the meta game. If you feel you need more removal you can go with Vol’jin, if you need to outlast games, then Justicar Trueheart is the correct choice. Lightbomb and Cabal Shadow Priest can both be cut down to one if you’re looking for a way to fit something else in. Shrinkmeister is also a card that goes in and out of the deck. It’s really great at taking a card like Ysera with Cabal Shadow Priest. Thoughtsteal is another strong option if you are facing a lot of control decks. Light of the Naaru vs. Flash Heal is an interesting argument. Do you value the ability to create the minion for potential burst? Or do you value the bigger heal, and potential burst combo with Auchenai Soulpriest? It just really depends on what you want to accomplish with the deck.
Control Priest Card Substitutions (Replacements)
Keep in mind that replacements for cards are rarely ever going to be perfect. It’s usually easiest to try and come close to what the card accomplishes, or double up an already existing card in the deck.
- Vol'jin: This doesn’t currently appear in the deck (it goes in and out), but it can normally be replaced with Justicar Trueheart, Shadow Word: Death, or Big Game Hunter.
- Cabal Shadow Priest: Strong card, but can be substituted with a Shadow Word: Pain or Shadow Madness. Sylvanas Windrunner is also a possibility.
- Lightbomb: Second Holy Nova or Shadow Word: Death. We’re looking for board clear or big minion removal.
- Museum Curator: If you don’t have LOE then you can use Shrinkmeister.
- Entomb: Sylvanas Windrunner has a similar affect on the board. Second Shadow Word: Death or Thoughtsteal.
Control Priest Combos and Synergies
The most obvious and powerful combination is Auchenai Soulpriest and Circle of Healing. Just the threat of this combo makes your opponent play their deck differently.
Auchenai is also great for getting in a surprise burst combo. You can use Flash Heal for 5 damage each, or you could either run your Zombie Chow into a minion and deal 5 damage to the face, or you could run it into their face and use Circle of Healing to clear your own Chow and deal an additional 5 damage.
Wild Pyromancer, Coin, into Power Word: Shield can be a turn two 2-damage board AOE. This is pretty powerful against Zoo or decks that flood the board early. Remember that Wild Pyromancer triggers AFTER the spell resolves, so it won’t die if you use Power Word: Shield on it with 1-health.
Northshire Cleric is usually reserved for getting at least one draw unless you know you’re playing against an aggressive deck. There are times where you could consider dropping Cleric and using Circle of Healing to heal even your enemy minions to gain a massive draw. This is usually only the case when you know you can immediately deal with the board afterwards.
Speaking of Circle of Healing, it pairs great with an early Injured Blademaster and can often carry you to victory.
I have included Elise and is working very good. Give you games againts control. Vs Control Warrior or other Priest is your win condition in the late game. Anyway a 3/5 body for 4 is not superbad. And the most important, with Elise you have sometimes an epic end game with rare legendaries. I play for fun an a ton of my favorite games have been with Elise. I also run two velens instead of flashing health. Why you don’t play it? I have replaced shadow word:dead for Mind Control, is a personal preference.
or you just entomb your opponets golden monkey
IF you play ASoulpriest, Flash Heal ist must have pick. The Synergy is just too good.
I dont think that VC is a good choice in THIS Version of Priest Control Deck.
But yeah, i also use Elise, its a Win Condition ofc and works well
Hi evident, I dont have legendaries, and too hight the dust cost of zetalot and chessdude123 versions, do u recomend the recipe or any custom verson of priest?
I am looking for ladder, rank 15/16 now, wich version u recomend? maybe this one with ur suggested replacements making it lower dust cost?
Best regards and good work.
I think this version is better because it has the early game, but what are you missing? If you’re missing Zombie Chow then it will be tough to play this deck.
ummm… i need replacements : 1 Flash Heal ; 2 Lightbombs; 2 Cabal Priest; 1 Justicar; 1 Injured
Since WOG is coming, dont feel crafting any…. (saving dust 4 later)
Sludge Belcher, Holy Nova, Big Game Hunter, Shadow Madness, Shadow Word: Pain, and two Temple Enforcer. I don’t know how well this is going to work, you’re missing quite a few important cards.
Ok, NP, Thanks a lot again
what could i take out for elise?
Entomb, Cabal Shadow Priest, or Lightbomb depending on what kind of meta you’re facing.
-1 Sludge + 1 Harrison
Will control priest still be viable in standard? Without lightbomb and deathlord it seems much weaker.
guys can i ask something i saw the last stream of zelatol and played with 2 holy champion do you know anyone what remove from that deck
I think you’d cut Musueum Curator or Injured Blademaster.
Garbage deck
Looking to fit ysera in this deck, any ideas for subs?
You could cut one Cabal Shadow Priest.
how good is this deck compared to a golden monkey deck?
Weird for such a control heavy deck to not have anything above a six drop. I run a priest more similar to Amaz’s, but I find room for a Ysera and a Paletress. Just seems weird to play so many turns above turn 6 mana and not have anyway to use that mana efficiently.
can l beat Secret Paladin with this deck
what cart can replace justicar until i get it?
Sylvanas or Vol’jin.
Definatly one of the most flexible decks in hearthstone with that description xD, gl you wasted another day of your life Evident <3
I don’t have a second Cabal Shadow Priest at the moment. I’m thinking about Vol’jin instead.
Vol’jin would be fine!
use another belcher or thoughtsteal
Dont look so great against rogue and freeze mage… will priest ever be on top of them…? qq
Tbh my deck list for this is as follows
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Museum Curator
2x Shrinkmeister
1x Shadow Word: Pain
1x Shadow Word: Death
1x Thought Steal
2x Velen’s Chosen
1x Shadow Madness
1x Holy Nova
2x Excavated evil
2x Entomb
2x Lightbomb
2x Cabal Shadow Priest
1x Zombie chow
2x Deathlord
1x Elise Starseeker
2x Sludge Belcher
1x Justicar Trueheart
This deck works a treat and can out Control the control warrior!
It has numerous board clears and even a card cycle to stop you going fatigue.
Towards the end of the game if you’re running out of cards, wait till you have both Excavated Evil’s back in your hand before you summon the monkey. This will make the cards that would stop your opponent being in fatigue will become useful as legendary minions.
The aim with this version of the deck is to either smash your opponent early by using velen’s chosen on a low value card (deathlord) for them to waste all their time killing it, then you either entomb what is summoned (if it’s worth it) or you just kill it with one of your many options to remove it.
Double Shrink master also means you can (with 10 mana) either use both on a minion with 5/6 attack and take it with Shadow priestess OR use Shadow madness to your advantage and take a high value minion and slam it into either their face or use it to gain the death rattle for your own. For example, Shrink master + Shadow madness on Sylvannas means that YOU get the deathrattle and you’ve possibly taken their board from 3 – 0 and you’re now +1 in minions. That’s only one of the many combos you can do. Another example is Tyrion, double shrink master into shadow priests = a STOLEN Tyrion! No waiting for you to draw him, no waiting for an entomb, you get it right THERE and THEN! You could also us shadow madness to gain his death rattle and get the free weapon. There are so many options!
Those shrinkmeister scenarios you just outlined are a little silly. Yes it’s possible for that to happen but the odds are exceedingly rare. You shrinkmeister sylvannas and run her into a 5 attack 3 health minion and steal their other minion. Are they playing ice rager? if so they are bad and you are going to win anyways. Save up 2 shrinkmeisters and a cabal to take a tirion when you play 2 entombs? Really? Not saying your deck is necessarily wrong, but the synergies you outline here are god awful….
– sludge belcher
– museum curator x2
+ thoughtsteel x2
+ vlen’s chosen
Better version in this meta
Hmm, you can’t really lose Curators or Belcher as Curator gives you a situational pick and Belcher is ideal for control of the board.
Ysera instead Justicar Trueheart?
Ysera hasn’t been seeing much play lately, but that’s a possibility.
I beg to differ sir..
x2 entomb, you dont need ysera.
great card btw.