This deck is from Blizzard’s Off-Meta Spotlight, here’s what they had to say about it:
Control Paladin – 63.5% win rate/63 games
This variation of Control Paladin takes advantage of some of Paladin’s strongest tools to help set up a late game surprise. Fighting for the board early, the low-cost minions of this deck help to hold on until later turns, allowing time for Uther of the Ebon Blade to come in and help stabilize the game. With Uther in play, use Zola the Gorgon and Ancient Brewmaster to assemble all the Horseman and devastate your opponent in one fell swoop.
Could someone explain the OTK order for dumb people like me please?
Can’t you use Youthful Brewmasters instead of the Ancient?
No, because it will spawn with call to arms
Pixie is useless in this deck. It’s a 7 mana combo and you can’t bounce back or bring back the two other Horsemen unless you have the coin.
Call to arms is tricky aswell. In most of cases you want to play Pyromancers at your will.
BUT if you survive late enough, you get a guaranteed win, keeping in mind that the “combo” takes 4 whole turns to work…
Interesting deck for experiment anyway.
Im pretty sure Pixie’s main role is to roll your hero powe twice so you can get different horse men. Then you can brew master the one not in your hand. Personally it messed up my combo more than helped because I forget I don’t have enough Mana to do the full combo.
I believe the Horsemen are summoned in some specific order unless they’re killed, or at least that’s what I saw in couple games on stream (not 100% sure because It was the opponent playing the deck).
If they are summoned randomly then that guy was like legendary lucky, and Pixie is a good card here.
The horsemen are summoned randomly.
The horsemen are summoned randomly when there is no horseman in play. But if there is, the hero power will summon an horseman that misses.
Zola the missing one. if you have coin you can play two and roll twice and win it works in this deck. the archetype itself is kinda bad I hate decks that can hit late game play and not have s move. Zola and two brewmasters in hand waiting on ebon is lame
Can’t you use Youthful Brewmasters instead of the Ancient?
Ah yes here’s the obligatory comment where someone who hasn’t played the deck thinks they know more than the person who piloted it to legend
yeah I hit legend every season. fun deck wouldn’t climb with it it’s bad.
This deck looks really fun! And it’s cheaper than most control decks