This is a super fun deck that centres around controlling the board with taunt minions Voidwalker, Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper, in order to get full effect of your higher costing dragons later in the game. Corruption, Mortal Coil and Unwilling Sacrifice also allow for removal or your opponent’s minions. Twisting Nether is used for late game if things are getting out of hand.
Cards Descriptions
Blood Imp is useful as it allows you to buff your minions health, making their removal more tricky for your opponent.
Netherspite Historian allows you to discover useful cards like Alexstrasza, Ysera, Primordial Drake or Deathwing, Dragonlord.
Questing Adventurer is a useful card as it a high priority target for your opponent to remove and can be devastating if not dealt with quickly.
Twilight Drake is a useful turn 4/5 minion that will ideally give you a 4/5 or 4/6 minion.
Cobalt Scalebane is useful as a presence in itself but also to allow you to buff any Taunt minions you may have still on your board.
Book Wyrm is an extremely useful removal tool with a high pool of health
Bonemare allows for increased threat of already strong minions
And finally Bloodreaver Guldan allows you to bring back any Voidwalkers and/or Blood Imps previously destroyed. The addition of the hero power can also help late game.