General Mulligans
Seems pretty self explanatory.Run your your opponent out of cards then destroy them with dragons and maybe some lucky legendary draws from Malchezaar.
There are probably a lot better cards that could be used with this concept in mind, but this is the best I had at my disposal.
Feel free to add suggestions to it that I could potentially craft in the future.
Cool deck! I might have to try something like this out. If you are considering seriously laddering with this deck, then 2x Primordial Drake would be a great addition. Ysera is also a really good card in this type of deck.
Also, the title of this deck is “Control Dragon Priest.” You should probably change it to Mage.
If you want me to try something like this on ladder, let me know!
Have a great day/night!
Haha good call on the title, I was working on another deck at the same time. I have updated a few cards. I do have Ysera as well so I will experiment with it and try and save up for some primordial drake cards. What would you take out for them? Ya if you want to try it out and see how it does let me know.
I’m currently testing a version of this deck. It is doing ok so far, but I am still making some changes, and I feel like it could be a strong deck with the right cards.
I feel like Malchezaar is making this deck hurt. Adding random legendaries to your deck can be good, but it can also prevent you from drawing dragons you need to activate things like Netherspite Historian. Between Medivh, The Curator, Ysera and/or Alex, two Netherspite historians, and a ton of random spells, you really don’t need more value from Malchezaar. If you decide to add Primordial Drakes, I would take out Malchezaar and Demented Frostcaller.
The other main issue with this deck is the lack of 3 drops. You really only have 3, sometimes 4 (Owl), cards you are happy to play on turn 3. I’m playing this deck with more three drops, and it seems to be better.
I will keep testing this and then, if I can get a good winrate, I will post it and send you the link. I will of course credit you for the idea and the original decklist.
Good luck!
If you play on NA you can send me a friend request. My BattleTag is Immolate#11407.