Probably not, that’s why Cube Warlock is much more popular than this deck. This version is more tempo-oriented, while the Cube version is more combo-oriented. A big upside of this deck is that you can usually play Doomguards from your hand without worrying about discarding key cards (especially Bloodreaver Gul’dan). It makes the Turn 5 much more consistent if you don’t have Skull. But with Skull on curve, Cube version is WAY better.
This is more of a Tempo deck than a Control deck. You can clearly tell it’s meant to play on curve as much as possible to sustain agression with full mana value rather than fatiguing/playing the value game against each and every deck.
Is the Soulwarden/Soulfire package really better over the cube stuff?
Probably not, that’s why Cube Warlock is much more popular than this deck. This version is more tempo-oriented, while the Cube version is more combo-oriented. A big upside of this deck is that you can usually play Doomguards from your hand without worrying about discarding key cards (especially Bloodreaver Gul’dan). It makes the Turn 5 much more consistent if you don’t have Skull. But with Skull on curve, Cube version is WAY better.
This is more of a Tempo deck than a Control deck. You can clearly tell it’s meant to play on curve as much as possible to sustain agression with full mana value rather than fatiguing/playing the value game against each and every deck.