This one is more straight to the point from my first version as Hemet, Jungle Hunter skips past filler draw mid game. Same premise but instead of meat wagon it uses Silver Vanguard to resummon itself over and over while spawning 7/7s with Mechanical Whelp. Also since it keeps buffs with Immortal Prelate you can give it taunt with Defender of Argus so you have an infinite taunt minion that whenever it dies it come back with taunt and summons a 7/7. The rest of the deck is draw and stall with Potion of Heroism, Spikeridged Steed, and Lynessa Sunsorrow.
Doesn’t the recruit mechanic skip battlecries?
A bit late but since Da Undatakah gains the deathrattle of immortal prelate it keeps the deathrattles as a “buff”.