General Mulligans
In almost all matchups you want those cards, Thalnos and Spirit Lash will result in needed early board clears, and Shadow Essence is always a needed card to have, and the earlier you get Spellstone the better.Shadow Essence into Velen, Malygos, Thalnos, or Obsidian Statue. These are all high value minions, but the real combo lies in Lesser Diamond Spellstone. You survive until turn 10 by using Holy Nova and Spirit Lash in tandem with Malygos or Velen or simply Obsidian Statue and Eternal Servitude. Turn 10 you should have at least a Diamond Spellstone, but hopefully a Greater Diamond Spellstone to summon Thalnos, Malygos, and Velen with Mind Blast and Holy Smite to deal 38 damage in one turn.
Yeah, I have played 20 games around Rank 15, and only lost 3 of them, and pulling off the combo at least 8 times.