I still don’t understand how these decks are number 1. The meta in legend must be completely different as I’ve started with this (minus Bwonsamdi) from rank 25, hit 14, then I’m getting more losses than wins. Too many decks have a way to shut this down, even after you get a 16/16 and hit, they can throw everything at it and remove it, then they bounce back easier than you. Constantly getting control shaman which is a bad and very annoying match up. You can’t hold onto your good cards all the time hoping for a good enough combo because some decks are too aggro, you gotta drop a distraction on the table or die in 2 turns, but then you’ve lost a valuable piece.
Who are these decks beating all the time to get to tier 1? Is anyone like me and playing this around rank 15?
Personally, I don’t play priest, but I do follow Hearthstone Grandmasters.
In terms of playing priest, I can’t help much but can give basic advice. The first is to watch lots of streamers, they can generally give feedback. Jarla (The user of this deck) is part of Hearthstone Grandmasters, so you can probably find some stuff from him.
You mainly want to gain board tempo as quickly as possible. Once you have like, 4-5 minions, you can see lots of plays where you have 2 lightwardens and go pyromancer > cheap spell > circle of healing = big lightwardens.
Your win conditions are the inner fired minions, and lightwarden plays.
Pscychopomp can give extreme value; even getting lightwarden isn’t that bad from psychopomp. If you get cards like injured tvoldir, injured blademaster, high priest amet, etc. It’s so much board presence that it’s very difficult to come back.
Combo Priest is a good deck, It might be that you don’t play it correctly, or getting the worse draws you could get.
Bwonsamdi should be crafted for this deck btw, lots of value, replenishes you hand and goes into big turns .
I would craft him as soon as I could get the dust, but I had to dust a lot just to get the starter version so I have deck to set off with at rank 25.
Yes I did the lightwarden combos before getting something like 23 attack on one suddenly and unexpectedly, but unfortunately most draws just don’t go this way and lightwardens inability to attack straight away will see him killed in a lot of my plays. Every opponent is wise to this deck and exactly know what weak spots to aim for regardless of what rank they are.
A few times I hit many minions on the board and went for the swarm, but then I kept coming up against opponents running Mind Control Tech and that really screwed me over. Then 3 times in a row I face Hunter with Pressure Plate, I have 3 minions on the board and as soon as I cast a spell it RNGs and kills my most valuable minion.
This is not an easy deck to pilot. I’ve reached legend a few times, mostly with hunter or warriors decks, and never played ranked with priest because I hate the class, but I’ve decided to give this deck a try and it took me a while, and an hour watching Hunterace playing with this deck, to learn to play with it effectively.
If you wanna climb the ranked you will need Bwonsamdi, it reffils your hand and filters your deck. You pay a high price for drawing weak 1 drops after turn 7…
Agreed that the deck is straightforward but not easy to play … especially the Pyromancer-Cleric-Draw-a-lot turns might screw yourself if not executed correctly.
But it’s true – getting the board removed and having bad luck with the next draws (or Psychopomp reviving Psychopomp or Sidekick o.O) makes for unwinnable matches against most opponents. There’s just no reach.
At turn 7 you have drawn at least 30% of your deck, probably more with cleric and PW: Shield. Of course sometimes Bwonsamdi will be in the end of the deck, but most of the matches it will be played midgame and will draw at least 2 minions.
I still don’t understand how these decks are number 1. The meta in legend must be completely different as I’ve started with this (minus Bwonsamdi) from rank 25, hit 14, then I’m getting more losses than wins. Too many decks have a way to shut this down, even after you get a 16/16 and hit, they can throw everything at it and remove it, then they bounce back easier than you. Constantly getting control shaman which is a bad and very annoying match up. You can’t hold onto your good cards all the time hoping for a good enough combo because some decks are too aggro, you gotta drop a distraction on the table or die in 2 turns, but then you’ve lost a valuable piece.
Who are these decks beating all the time to get to tier 1? Is anyone like me and playing this around rank 15?
Personally, I don’t play priest, but I do follow Hearthstone Grandmasters.
In terms of playing priest, I can’t help much but can give basic advice. The first is to watch lots of streamers, they can generally give feedback. Jarla (The user of this deck) is part of Hearthstone Grandmasters, so you can probably find some stuff from him.
You mainly want to gain board tempo as quickly as possible. Once you have like, 4-5 minions, you can see lots of plays where you have 2 lightwardens and go pyromancer > cheap spell > circle of healing = big lightwardens.
Your win conditions are the inner fired minions, and lightwarden plays.
Pscychopomp can give extreme value; even getting lightwarden isn’t that bad from psychopomp. If you get cards like injured tvoldir, injured blademaster, high priest amet, etc. It’s so much board presence that it’s very difficult to come back.
Combo Priest is a good deck, It might be that you don’t play it correctly, or getting the worse draws you could get.
Bwonsamdi should be crafted for this deck btw, lots of value, replenishes you hand and goes into big turns .
I would craft him as soon as I could get the dust, but I had to dust a lot just to get the starter version so I have deck to set off with at rank 25.
Yes I did the lightwarden combos before getting something like 23 attack on one suddenly and unexpectedly, but unfortunately most draws just don’t go this way and lightwardens inability to attack straight away will see him killed in a lot of my plays. Every opponent is wise to this deck and exactly know what weak spots to aim for regardless of what rank they are.
A few times I hit many minions on the board and went for the swarm, but then I kept coming up against opponents running Mind Control Tech and that really screwed me over. Then 3 times in a row I face Hunter with Pressure Plate, I have 3 minions on the board and as soon as I cast a spell it RNGs and kills my most valuable minion.
Thanks for the advice regarding the streamers.
This is not an easy deck to pilot. I’ve reached legend a few times, mostly with hunter or warriors decks, and never played ranked with priest because I hate the class, but I’ve decided to give this deck a try and it took me a while, and an hour watching Hunterace playing with this deck, to learn to play with it effectively.
If you wanna climb the ranked you will need Bwonsamdi, it reffils your hand and filters your deck. You pay a high price for drawing weak 1 drops after turn 7…
As if you’d draw Bwonsamdi by turn 7 every game!?
Agreed that the deck is straightforward but not easy to play … especially the Pyromancer-Cleric-Draw-a-lot turns might screw yourself if not executed correctly.
But it’s true – getting the board removed and having bad luck with the next draws (or Psychopomp reviving Psychopomp or Sidekick o.O) makes for unwinnable matches against most opponents. There’s just no reach.
At turn 7 you have drawn at least 30% of your deck, probably more with cleric and PW: Shield. Of course sometimes Bwonsamdi will be in the end of the deck, but most of the matches it will be played midgame and will draw at least 2 minions.