Cog Monkies. Reno Priest with a Cog-Monkey finish. (Cogs+Elisie=legends) Wild season 28.

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-28 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

We want to keep the death rattle and discover crew against almost all opponents. Against any aggressive class, Reno Jackson is a fine keep as well. 

For example, even though clockwork gnome's time is this world will most likely be short, he is still a strong keep. We want our druid or mage opponents to poke it to death instead of playing actual threats. His whole life's work is to buy us time without loosing cards.  Remember that the Cog will eventually become a dragon or  be part of a power play later on. 

I wanted something special to achieve my 500th priest win with.  So, I went back to my deck building roots and decided to focus in on two for ones.  Therefore, the basic premise of the deck is to assemble more cards then your opponent without actually drawing more cards then them. Building the deck this way allows for greater versatility in the end game, because it opens up Fatigue as a win condition.

Competitive Advantage

This deck is designed to achieve incremental gains over your opponent through cogs and discover cards. It then converts those gains into tactical advantages in the end game. It’s very similar to the concept of promoting pawns in Chess. 

The start of the game plays out very similar to other control priest builds.  


In chess, small sacrifices are used in the early game to achieve a positional advantage. Then in the mid to late game, those positional advantages are used to recapture material. That’s a gambit. 

Our gambit pieces are:

Clockwork Gnome ,Zombie Chow,Doomsayer and  Deathlord

Use them early on to establish a board presence, so that later on we can focus on our strong end game.

End Game Tactics

Cog Monkeys is set up to be versatile. Therefore there are many tactics you can use to achieve victory. 

  1. Making them cry due to battle cry abilities 
  2. Decking them with fatigue damage and Reno Jackson
  3. Obliterating their board through mondo cog combos.  Example: Mind Control Tech + Brann Bronzebeard + Time Rewinder
  4.  Promoting your cogs into a fist full of legends via  Elise Starseeker
  5. 10 mana + N'Zoth, The Corruptor


The deck has been strong for me. It’s very capable of picking apart other midrange and control decks, including traditionally bad matchup like control warrior and combo druid. If you have any questions about card choices, substitutions, etc. let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to help you out or colaborate. 


I updated this for season 28 Wild.  – Antique Heal Bot, -Harrison Jones, -Ysera, – Wild Pyromancer, -refreshment vendor, + Cyclopian Horror, +N'Zoth, The CorruptorDoomsayer, +Loot Hoarder, +Darkshire Alchemist

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