Aggro Mulligans
Well, the mulligans are equal for all the matchups. Just try to mulligan your 1/2 mana minions so you can have the early board control/burst and then finish you oponent with some spell, doomhammer + rockbiter weapon or reincarnate + charge combo.
Have fun... :)
I don’t have all the cards so i can’t try this deck but seems like a really nice concept that i would try when i can.
This is a normal aggro shaman but with a little diference, which is reincarnate.
The idea is simple, go face and then finish with some ‘charge + reincarnate = another charge’. With Leeroy on turn 7 you can deal 12 damage which is realy nice, and considering you have doomhammer equiped you can deal 16 damage which is a huge burst.