Why is Y’Shaarj worse than Yogg Saron? This is a deck meant to pull out big minions. What can a Yogg do to change the flow of the game? Atleast Y’Shaarj can do what this deck is meant to do. Which is to get big minions and then finish it with N’zoth.
Dude this deck is way good. It has a bad match up against jade Druid but so does pretty much every deck right now. Aggro is 50/50 but this will put last and easily over power everything else. I just whooped an EZ BiG priest with this ez big hunter. Gonna keep running this deck. Will update with win rate. And info.
if u replace yshaarj to yogg is better but anyway is briliant deck with good sinergy
Why is Y’Shaarj worse than Yogg Saron? This is a deck meant to pull out big minions. What can a Yogg do to change the flow of the game? Atleast Y’Shaarj can do what this deck is meant to do. Which is to get big minions and then finish it with N’zoth.
Dude this deck is way good. It has a bad match up against jade Druid but so does pretty much every deck right now. Aggro is 50/50 but this will put last and easily over power everything else. I just whooped an EZ BiG priest with this ez big hunter. Gonna keep running this deck. Will update with win rate. And info.
Easily the best deck I’ve come across
Easily the worst deck I’ve come across