Try to draw that as fast as you can! Druid has no more interesting removal so you need to ramp fast and use your assault minions. Druid lost also a lot of card draw, but the new malygos, nourish, Kazakus, Golem Shaper and the new spell will help. With Primordial Protector you can put pressure in board drawing and wait for celestial alignment, or draw that. The Druid prime will be helpfull at the start and midgame. Innervate and lightning bloom if used before celestial alignment the temporary mana will stay for the turn and you can immediately play anything, the best option are Nourish to gain other 2 mana or the new Malygos the Spellweaver if you hava at least 2 temporary mana to cast Nourish ecc.
Clockwork Giant is vary important if you don’t have innervate or lightning bloom when you want to use Celestial Alignment to put a 0 cost 8 / 8.