Casie’s Top 25 Legend Control Warrior (December 2016, Season 33)
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 1Slam2
- 2Bash2
- 2Cruel Taskmaster1
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Revenge2
- 2Shield Block2
- 3Ravaging Ghoul2
- 4Bloodhoof Brave2
- 5Alley Armorsmith2
- 5Brawl2
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
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it says standard deck but I can only play it in wild?
All the cards are Standard, you probably accidentally made the deck Wild. If you click on the deck name above the deck list in game you can convert it to Standard.
Its kinda funny, someone posts a list which took him to Rank 21 Legend and the people teaching him why the list is not good…
Which card is more vital toward this deck: Justicar or Grom? I have heard that Grom is staple in every Control Warrior Deck, but so is Justicar. I only have enough dust to craft one of them and I already own the rest of the cards used in the deck. Which one should I craft (taking in consideration that Justicar is rotating out soon)?
Justicar is better imo, but as you said Grom is part of the classic set so it will never rotate out. Tank up is very strong but Grom usually two-for-ones when you can play him and trade into a minion because he acts as a 4 damage removal (charge) and then demands removal from the opponent with enrage bringing him to 10 attack. He’s also good at closing out games, usually your win condition against things like jaraxxus or if you can manage to pressure druids enough (old builds used to combo with Alex/war axe/cruel task, not so relevant anymore). All things considered I would say Grom is better to craft, but Justicar will win you more games (until it is rotated out).
Thank you for responding! I think I’m leaning towards Grom as he seems like a better investment of my dust. Plus, Justicar is quite slow in this meta vs certain decks and proves useless against jade druid.
Sub for ysera?was thinkin elise or alex?any tips wud be apricieted not rly expirienced at this type of deck
Alex is a solid option, I’m not sure Elise would be good because you won’t be going to fatigue that often.
Interesting no Dirty Rats are included, in all the other lists I’ve seen it’s a two-of that seems to help in Rogue matchups to snipe auctioneers/azure drakes/vancleef sometimes or in Reno mathchups to snipe Kazakus/brann/reno/leeroy and just generally edge out Brawl value from people who play around it with two minions.
I’m playing this list with dirty rat instead of blood hoof brave. Pulling a Reno has won me several matches, and rat into brawl helps clear some threats. So far this deck is really doing well against all the aggro.
How does it do against all the pirate shaman and warrior decks?
Actually, ctrl warrior’s favorite match ups are against shaman (both aggro and midrange) and pirate rogue / warrior. This deck has a good winrate vs dragon warrior and it can beat renolock (as long as they don’t run Jaraxxus). Miracle rogue and reno mage are the toughest match ups, with the latter one being almost unwinnable… Jade druid also poses a threat, but a good sylvanas steal can turn things around in ctrl warrior’s favor.
play control warrior in shammy meta?
This deck easily gets beat by many of the decks used in the current meta like pirate warrior, pirate rogue, pirate shaman, dragon warrior, renolock, renomage, and miracle rogue. I recommend use by other decks to climb the ladder.
lol what? this deck is favoured against more than half the decks u listed. if you dont believe me, check the stats on vicioussyndicate.
its good vs aggro shaman, dragon/pirate warrior, and miracle/pirate rogue, not ‘getting beat easily’
It’s only consider good if you are able to draw axe in the first couple of turns and hopefully your opponent doesn’t have a good hand. Despite being a control deck, this deck suffers from value against renomage and renolock that jaraxxus with or without leeroy.