A cheap secret hunter deck I used a bit on the ladder. Has a decent win rate against all decks if played right.
- 2 Hunter's Mark This card is great for removal so we can go face with our minions. It also has synergy with Explosive Trap, Jeweled Macaw, Kindly Grandmother, Grievous Bite, Eaglehorn Bow, and especially Unleash the Hounds.
- 2 Tracking Great to snatch a Cloaked Huntress, Hunter's Mark, Savannah Highmane, and in genral, a great card for flexability.
- Crackling Razormaw Pretty much a staple in all hunter decks, but is sometimes iffy if we don’t get any beasts. Easily good enough to run 1, but I couldn’t find room to fit 2.
- Jeweled Macaw Great 1 drop, a beast, refills hand, and great for early damage or board control.
- Grievous Bite This card may seem strange at first. I’ve had a lot of success with it though, since it is good for stopping early game snowballing. This could be a slot to put in a second Crackling Razormaw into.
Mullagins are resonably simple; Eaglehorn Bow, Hunter's Mark if the deck you are facing is warrior or paladin, Kindly Grandmother, Grievous Bite, Animal Companion, Kill Command , Cloaked Huntress, any secrets. Tracking, Jeweled Macaw.
Against aggro, always for for board control and Houndmaster targets. Explosive Trap, Grievous Bite, and [card_link name=”Snipe”] are great cards in this matchup.
Vs Control, you switch to more midrange, and go for highmanes, and freezingtrap/snipe. Always try to fit a hunter hero power after you have the board, around turns 6-8.
Vs midrange decks, go for fast houndmasters, highmanes, and many, many traps.
There’s still a lot of refinement to make for this deck, so I’m open to suggestions.
Have fun beating Quest Rogue! π