General Mulligans
Mistress of mixtures is a strong early-game card.
Doomsayer helps you stay alive against board flood decks.
Coldlight oracle is the sole win condition. As this deck has no card draw, you won't want it to be in the bottom of your deck.
Deathlord and tar creeper are strong taunts.
Here is the deck that wrecks big priests and renolock. No more raging and begging for dust in wild. Enjoy 🙂
Aggro: Just stall with taunts. Don’t be afraid to put a doomsayer behind a taunt. Use vanish on tokens.
Control: Mill them, even on the first 7-8 turns! If against big priest, stall, but don’t kill his minions. If the resurrect train starts, you can’t out value him.