Midrange Beast Hunter is a pretty good place to start if you are just beginning in Hearthstone. Knights of the Frozen Throne, however, did not give this deck much to worth with.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Update
As I mentioned above, the new expansion did not add much for this deck. Most of the Beast cards that Hunter got feel like they were specifically made to be used with the new Deathstalker Rexxar. Bearshark is fine, but doesn’t really fit into the curve of this deck. Exploding Bloatbat is an interesting card, but it’s too slow for this deck that wants to be pushing the tempo rather than slowing the game down.
On the Neutral side of the coin, every budget deck got access to a few pretty good budget oriented cards. Acherus Veteran or Fallen Sun Cleric are solid cards that can be added in place of ones you might be missing. Bonemare is currently seeing play in a variety of Midrange decks, and can fill in for something like Savannah Highmane if you are in desperate need of a late game card. It’s a shame Bonemare isn’t a Beast!
Future Hunter Builds
Hunter is not in the greatest spot at the moment. There are variants of a more late game oriented deck with Deathstalker Rexxar floating around, but nothing looks worth building towards at the moment.
Budget Midrange Hunter Mulligan Guide
You are looking for at least one 1-drop, and then you’d like to have a 2-drop at the very least. An ideal opening hand would be Alleycat into Ravasaur Runt or Crackling Razormaw which will be on curve and either activate Runt or most likely give you a target for Razormaw. Animal Companion is good as long as you have a 1 or 2-drop and especially with a 1-drop and you are on the coin.
Keep Golakka Crawler vs. Warrior (especially in the lower ranks where it’s less likely to be Taunt Warrior) and Rogue (both popular versions of Rogue run Pirates).
Future Card Replacements for Budget Midrange Hunter
- 2x Golakka Crawler > Kindly Grandmother – This card actually isn’t fully necessary, but it’s nice to pretty much guarantee something for Crackling Razormaw to land on.
General Replacements
Here’s just a list of cards you can add to this deck if you happen to be missing any of them and have already made replacements.
- Raptor Hatchling – Interesting card and can fill in for most of the cards in the deck that are missing.
- Dire Wolf Alpha – Works well with Fire Fly and your other 1-drops.
- Trogg Beastrager – Decent card, but not being a beast makes it less desirable.
- Bearshark – Nothing special and the 3-Health makes it particularly vulnerable to 2-drops.
- Acherus Veteran or Acherus Veteran – Both are decent cards, but they don’t have great synergy with the deck.
What to replace with swamp king dread?
Please tell me how you’re reaching rank 7 and 13 with this deck… I can’t get past rank 20 with this. It’s utter garbage. Getting completely fucked by all these quest decks.
I have reached rank 13 easy with this deck. If u dont believe me, i can add to my friend list.
Maybe it’s because you’re not piloting it properly.
Is it worth mulliganing one drops to get alley cat?
if you have the runt a direwolf or a hyena and don’t have other one drops
what can i remove from the deck to put 2x dire wolf alpha ?
Ravasaur Runt and a Golakka Crawler.
You should replace both of the golakka crawlers
Not in all situations… Depends on what you run into on ladder
Whats the highest rank i can reach with this deck ?
i hitted rank 13 for now
This list could likely hit rank 5 and above, it’s not too far from the meta list.
I’m at rank 7 now and going forward, but I’ve made few changes, but idea is the same.
Any chance for a hunter quest to fit into the list? I ve crafted it and not found a use for it so far
Too bad man, the hunter quest sucks. Its just too slow and easily countered by many other decks
You don’t want Brann in this deck ?
This is standards version
Brann rotated out of standard. Brann also wouldn’t be considered budget.
To OP: very good option for players on a budget. I think good players could get this to legend rank.
Could you substitute a card for a Volcanosaur?
Yes, Savannah Highmane can be substituted for it. I also recommend substituting 1 Tol’vir Warden for 1 Tundra. It’ll make a good endgame finisher.