Hi guys!. I am trying to create a budget version for mage control. The basic idea is the control of the board (yes, like the basic version) with the hero power, minions trade, and the mechanic of freeze. With the inclusion of snap freeze, it is possible to eliminate big minions or taunt efficiently and this become possible because we have plenty ways to freeze (glacial shard, water elemental blizzard, frost bolt, frost elemental and a second snap freeze). Also, the minions selected have a good stats, leyline the manipulator is a perfect replace for the yetty and it can have a useful ability for the spell that we would be able to generate with lesser ruby spellstone. Bonefire elemental can help us to draw card and its stats are pretty good too. Also the inclusion of cauldron elemental can be considered a replace of captain of vertomenta, and it would help our minions to finish the game. For more expensive versions, jaina can be included to improve the late game of the deck. I am still figuring out how to improve the deck so suggestion our welcome!