C’Thun Mage is an older go to deck for Budget players. It still can work in the early stages of your Hearthstone career. To get C'Thun and 2x Beckoner of Evil you’ll need to open one pack from the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion (they are guaranteed in your first pack from WotOG).
Knights of the Frozen Throne Update
I don’t expect any C’Thun cards coming anytime soon (most likely ever). So this deck is pretty solid where it is. You could potentially try Bonemare in the spot of Firelands Portal or Faceless Summoner. I still like both of those cards, but Bonemare is seeing play in a lot of decks currently and is one of the better cards to come out of KFT.
If you have the option and really want to play Mage, I would go with the Budget Secret Mage deck. The cards in that deck are more usable in other decks. I honestly just enjoyed playing this deck, but it isn’t the most competitive.
Budget C’Thun Mage Mulligan Guide
Mana Wyrm, Beckoner of Evil, and Sorcerer's Apprentice are your keeps. You can also keep a 3-drop if you have a 1 and 2-drop. If you have Mana Wyrm in your opening, you can consider keeping Arcane Missiles especially if you have Sorcerer’s Apprentice (which makes missiles 0-mana) and you are against aggro. You can also keep a 4-drop if you have a 1 or 2 and have the coin so you can coin into the four on turn three.
Future Card Replacements for Budget C’Thun Mage
I probably wouldn’t invest too heavily in this deck as there are quite a few better decks to build towards.
- 1x Firelands Portal > Twin Emperor Vek'lor – Twin Emperor is a great card, but unless you really like this deck I wouldn’t craft it because it is only used in C’Thun decks which aren’t popular anymore.
General Replacements
Here’s just a list of cards you can add to this deck if you happen to be missing any of them and have already made replacements.
- Stranglethorn Tiger – I had this in my original build, and it’s nice to just have a strong minion stick.
- Bonemare – Really good card if you’ve got a minion on the board. It helps with trades or can potentially push for lethal. The fact that it gives a minion Taunt can also help save your life in certain situations.
i love this deck!!!!
This deck is really weak, to perform the ct’hun combos a player requiers turns on turns of no presence in board, and taking free damage for the fun of the opponent.
I’m really sorry cause I try hard to win but no ways.
This deck is rly bed with ranked! Don’t Use it!
I disagree, most of this deck is easy to come by and can be used in the early ranks. That being said, if you have the option and really want to go Mage then I’d go Elemental Mage: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/budget-elemental-mage-deck-list-guide/
Is this a wild deck because i can’t seem to craft faceless summoner
It’s standard, not sure why you can’t craft it.
What stops this deck from performing well higher in the ladder?
It’s just too slow, and C’Thun was never super overpowered.