Hi guys, coming at you to take a look on what mage has to offer with the new extension and cards like Dragoncaller Alanna, Grand Archivist, Spiteful Summoner and Dragon's Fury
Early game you just want to be able to survive without low costs but effectives minions in combination with your secrets, cards like Mana Wyrm , Arcanologist, Medivh's Valet and finally Doomsayer are what you are looking to get for your starting hand. Keeping Primordial Glyph can be good in certain match up, because it reduces the chances of having it proc from Spiteful Summoner and Grand Archivist later on.
If you survived long enough, the fun kicks in, at turn 6 your Spiteful Summoners are really good for developping a board, as you’re garanteed a minimum of a 2 cost minion, but in reality you’ll mostly get 3, 5, 6 or 7 mana cost minions, all of this added to a 4/4 body, which is great for a turn 6 play
Dragon's Fury is a gloryfied Flamestrike in this list, as you’ll often be able to reach the 3+ damage you need to kill most early game minions, AND it only cost 5 mana ! The only downside being that it’s going to hit your minions too, but it’s generally a good play on turn 5 if you can get a Spiteful Summoner on the next turn.
Grand Archivist is one of the cards i’m the most excited to try coming from K&C, because if you build around it (like in this deck), you can guarantee a great outcome from his effect, in this list you’ll either be able to clean/stall the board (Frost Nova, Dragon's Fury, Blizzard or Flamestrike) or draw some cards (Arcane Intellect or Primordial Glyph), the only bad outcome would be to have him play your secrets, but hopefully you’ll have them already played from your Arcanologists.
Dragoncaller Alanna Seems like an interesting card, but she’s probably the one you’d want to cut in order to play Tech cards, Probably a weapon killer like Harrison Jones or Gluttonous Ooze considering the number of weapons that are going to be played after the extension realease. You can also consider playing a more reliable win conditon (Sindragosa, Medivh, the Guardian or The Lich King).
That’s it guys, i’ll try to keep this updated if necessary, don’t forget to comment if you have any suggestions or anything you wanna say or ask about this list.