Get your Deathrattle decks in before Standard takes them away! Unearthed Raptor is a pretty awesome card, and it can be very powerful if you’re able to combo it with certain deathrattles like Haunted Creeper, Loot Hoarder, and especially Nerubian Egg.
Brian Kibler’s Season 24 Raptor Rogue
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I’ve started playing this on ladder with some success. I’m a newer player with financial investment in the adventures only, so I don’t have unlimited cards or dust. I crafted the Sky Golems, but not Bloodmage or BGH. I replaced those two with Assassinate and Baron Rivendale. Gotta say, both are great inclusions to the deck.
It is just great for controlling the board. The deck has a good chance against a range of deck types. Your biggest worry is getting a bad early draw against super-fast Hunters or Paladins, since the mana curve of the deck is fairly high. Nonetheless, it has a strong early game, especially if you pop your own Eggs with Backstab or SI:7 It usually outvalues and outcontrols Zoolock. Control can’t handle the high-value stickiness of the minions.
Why not change both sky golens for stallag and feuren? With raptor you could have 2 or even 3 11/11
Not a good deck against aggro
Awesome Deck!
I would swap -1 sky golem +1 sylvanas or cairne
BiotechCrol, Brian explained the reasoning behind Sky Golem over Sylvanas in his deck. As he noted, sky golem will always gain you value on its deathrattle, whereas an opponent can simply suicide their team to give you no value from Sylvanas.
why no baron rivendale?
Why no Sylvannas?
Is Sky Golem better than Tomb Pillager in this deck? I have never tried this with Sky Golem. Maybe I’ll give it a go? I just like Tomb Pillager might be better, or even Cairne.
Sky Golem will always give you a 4 drop minion whereas Sylvanas’s value is situational. Tomb Pillager will always give you the coin, but that will only be good if you can power out say another spell.