Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Brian Kibler has built a mage deck list around the new League of Explorers card, Reno Jackson. The deck contains a lot of one-ofs, but makes from for two Mad Scientist due to the power level of the card in Mage.
My situation right now :
Whenever i play controll decks(90%of the time) i get matched agaonst zoo or face hunter which means i lose 80% of the time and whenever im sick of playing against aggressive decks and pick my priest i get matched against controll deck and lose …
if in any rare cases i get a favorable or normal matchup well then i just get 8 inches rng dick up my ass …
Can anyone think of a deck that would help me ?
With only two secrets, both playable from hand, I don’t see the need for 2 mad scientist. It seems more likely to screw you over than help you.
This deck will not work for a Reno Deck. You CANNOT have two of any kind of card in the deck. You have two mad scientists listed.
Once you draw one of the Mad Scientists then Reno will work. It only matters what is left in your deck at the time you play Reno.
Why on earth anyone would play a Mage Reno deck without two Ice Blocks, Molten Giant, and both bounce guys is beyond me.
hello , i dont have ysera , i replaced it with Archmage antonidas , do u think its a good replacement or should i replace it with something better ??, i have all the adventures legendaries + sylvanas +alextraza + harrison jones + malygos and ofc the rest legendaris i used in this deck, i was thinking maybe i should replace it with sylvanas or kel’thuad but went with archmage . thnx in advance
I think Sylvanas might be better.
How can i the cards, Dr.Boom , Nefarian and Ysera ??
I would probably just add whatever big legendaries you have. If you’re really on a budget stuff like North Sea Kraken and Force-Tank MAX are reasonable.
What about Archmage Antonidas in this deck? I think it could be pretty good. What should I replace instead of him?
Hi there! The problem about Antonidas in this deck is that antonidas needs some activator spells to generate fireballs and you run only 1 of everything. You may not have that spells you need and that would cost you a lot of tempo.
Brewmaster is more useful in that deck i see it’s better than ysera and antonidas does good job also ! It’s so good deck only aggro warlock can win that deck this moment and that under circumstances . Also i put goblin blastmage beacause i dont have . This deck rocks !
whats the replacement for ysera? i don’t have sylvanas either
Ragnaros could work.
this deck is actually played with antonidas and rhonin at the moment
This must be what that guy played against me yesterday !
Playing my mech mage against someone who kept ignoring tempo and caring only about card advantage. Turn 5 i play fel reaver with fireball and dr boom in hand.
By turn 8 he has emptied my deck as he plays BGH on my fel reaver.
Gives me the turn on 18 health while i have 10 damage on the board (dr boom and small stuff) and sais “well played” as i draw fatique. He must have factored in a fireball and expected to survive my turn with 1 health.
Unfortunately for him i had a spare part to boost my board for 1 extra damage and killed him. I was wondering all the time if when he said “well played”, he thought he was going to win as i was with an empty deck or if he was expecting to die. I suppose this is the answer :p
If i dont have echo , arcane blast ,ysera(also not sylvana) which cards can i put instead of them . Please reply me asap !
Nice deck. I replaced the second Mad Scientist with Flamecannon because I’ve actually lost a couple of games holding on to Reno but couldn’t do anything because of that one duplicate in my deck.
any replacement for big game hunter? thanks
Kind of weird, but Flame Lance would serve a similar function.
love this deck. reno is great for duplicate and echo the second time you throw reno in they just concede lmao
How could i fit forgotten torch in this deck? Or is it necessary? I just like the card in general.
I don’t think it’s necessary, you could try removing Nefarian.
I actually did replace illuminator with one forgotten torch and it works really well for the extra removal early and an extra fireball late. This deck is super awesome and i really have an insane 80% win rate. Only times ive lost is against smorcs or because of really bad card draw.
I don´t have Ysera and Big game hunter.
What is a good alternative?
Forgotten Torch and Sylvanas could work.
I don’t have Ysera
I can remplace by what ?
Sylvanas might work in this deck.
I use Alexstrsza in place of ysera , you have flexibility in up to 15 face damage on your opponent or a late game emergency heal if reno doesn’t show up on time.
-1 mad scientist +1 summoning stone for shitzngiggles
Played Reno 4x in one game with duplicate and echo.
I’m loving this deck, it is fun. I played it from rank 18 till 9 and still going…
It is a bit slow and many times I couldn’t deal with the early aggression so I did substitute Ysera.
I also don’t have arcane blast but I think it is not really needed, most of the games I need board clear like explosive sheep.
So, for more survival, early game play I have 1 unstable ghoul which is really good, sometimes I even play duplicate to get 2 more ghouls.
Ecoh of Medivh for me is not restricted to a card, I use it on senjin,ghoul,water elemental,reno,sheep…. whenever I see that I need to.
The other substitute is brewmaster (the 2 mana panda). It is actually a late game card but better than Ysera. Playing Reno or the Healbot and dropping them back to your hand is priceless.
Is it me or Duplicate could potentially screw Reno Jackson?
The cards in your hand don’t effect Reno.
Thinked the same, why not antonidas, maybe u already have to many cards in hand
Actually the deck can’t have more than 1 copy of a card for reno’s ability to trigger.
That’s true of the remaining portion of the deck. If you draw one of the Mad Scientist, and it’s in your hand or has been played then Reno Jackson will trigger.
Welcome back Sen’jin Shieldmasta!
I don’t have Nefarian, Echo of Medih and Arcane Blast
I put Kraken, Sylvanas and Arcane Missiles, that’s correct?
Those are reasonable replacements.
Evident Thanks, I’ll try to get this cards
I suggest Chromaggus, Ice barrier and Flame Cannon.
If he doesn’t have Nefarian, he’s not gonna have Chromaggus. Flame Cannon is a good replacement for Arcane Blast. Echo of Medivh can be replaced by an Youthful Brewmaster.
Thanks you too!
I constructed a somewhat similar deck but I included a card I think can be important: Youthful Brewmaster. Managed to use Jackson multiple times in one match (also using one of Ysera’s spell cards). Seeing your deck makes me realize I didn’t inlcude any taunt minions in my deck though. Excellent choice!! Adjusting my deck now. Thanks!
This deck is strong against almost every deck and is at its best when against Aggro decks. The little theme of Reno Jackson when he is played makes it so much more satisfying when you play it for a guaranteed win and your opponent concedes.
Reno requires no duplicates, I thought–this deck has 2 Mad Scientists. Trying to figure out a good deck with him–adds freeze options galore.
Nah it’s written that it is intentionnal. I guess Reno only check what’s actually in your deck, without paying attention to the card syou have in your hand or the cards you already played !
Actually, as long as there aren’t 2 copies of a single card in your deck (not decklist
), you’re fine. So just play Reno when you’ve played 1 Mad Scientist. The deck kinda makes sure you’re never gonna have to play it TOO early. Although against a perfect curve aggro deck, sometimes you might be screwed. But then again, most control decks are