I’m facing a lot of Odd hunters, Odd paladins and Tempo Rogue and this deck work really well. Is Also super funny, love it. I removed the Countess for a Black Knight, and I don’t have Garrosh so I tried a Festeroot Hulk. I’m not a Pro but I did Rank 15 > 9 with Even Paladin and this without any effort. but faced mostly aggro…
I am playing similar deck but with 2x spellbreaker. 1x Vodoo doll and 2x the little lizard which is lifelink and rush. Countess ashmore is awesome dont try to find replacement. But try to add cards i noticed above. The taunt druid is a hard nearly unbeatable matchup you need to be as quick as you can in late game you can simply drop the match. Anything else is just a toast.
Thx. and his twitter:
“I think Ashmore is probably the worst card in the deck. Could see playing a 2nd Spellbreaker or something like Cobalt Scalebane or Black Knight – possibly Arcanite Reaper or Leeroy, depending on where you’re trying to gain edge.”
If you want a good tech for the taunt druid, you could play a cornered sentry to mess up their witching hours, but taunt really messes this deck up. Black knight is solid this meta, a second spellbreaker would be good.
No Spirit of the Rhino?
loses to spiteful decks
I’m facing a lot of Odd hunters, Odd paladins and Tempo Rogue and this deck work really well. Is Also super funny, love it. I removed the Countess for a Black Knight, and I don’t have Garrosh so I tried a Festeroot Hulk. I’m not a Pro but I did Rank 15 > 9 with Even Paladin and this without any effort. but faced mostly aggro…
Oh, I’ve won so many games because of Garrosh. When you have the dust…
I am playing similar deck but with 2x spellbreaker. 1x Vodoo doll and 2x the little lizard which is lifelink and rush. Countess ashmore is awesome dont try to find replacement. But try to add cards i noticed above. The taunt druid is a hard nearly unbeatable matchup you need to be as quick as you can in late game you can simply drop the match. Anything else is just a toast.
Add more silencing into deck. Silence deals with things you cand destroy.
Really struggling with this deck. Losing to taunt druid, taunt warrior, control mage, even paladin all at rank 5-4.
Unfortunately those are almost all losing matchups unless you can gain the board early and keep pressuring and race their win condition.
Replacement for Countess Ashmore ?
Kibler said in his stream himself, that Ashmore is realy bad in this deck and later put it out for black knight.
Thx. and his twitter:
“I think Ashmore is probably the worst card in the deck. Could see playing a 2nd Spellbreaker or something like Cobalt Scalebane or Black Knight – possibly Arcanite Reaper or Leeroy, depending on where you’re trying to gain edge.”
Prince Keleseth worth adding?
No because you’d have to cut all 2-drops and you need those to handle the early boards of some decks when you’re going 2nd.
Deck is designed to beat Paladin and Rogue, and does’t have a ton of game against non-minion based decks.
The deck is awesome, I keep losing late game vs taunts
If you want a good tech for the taunt druid, you could play a cornered sentry to mess up their witching hours, but taunt really messes this deck up. Black knight is solid this meta, a second spellbreaker would be good.