Brawl 17-02-21 MurlOTK Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: combo - Style: tavern-brawl

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General Mulligans

Ice Fishing, Murloc Tastyfin and Captain's Parrot = So the idea is to draw as many minions as possible (because the minions are the only cards u want for the otk like Scargil and Gadgetzan which are essential for the combo)

Scargil = beacause even if u have don't have the all the combo pieces in hand u can draw them easily due to the cost reduction on the minions that draw.

Lightning Bloom = to do the otk earlier.

U can use 2 FACELESS MANIPULATOR if u don’t have Sathrovarr and Broomstick (maybe is a little better because is easily to draw wit Tastyfin on the combo turn, but u can also destroy it with some cheap spells during the combo/draw turn).

Scargil + Mechwarper = 0 cost minions (if you play Mechwarper first this will not work because Scargil will set the cost of minions to 1).

Scargil + Mechwarper + Murk-Eye + Sathrovarr = OTK (5 mana).

also Gadgetzan = is essential to draw Mechwarper  and the other combo cards during the combo turn.

Deck = half(14) 0 mana spell

             1/3(10) minions

             1/5(6) other cheap spells

Devolve and devolving missiles = VS buffed minion (good in this type of brawl), also are cheap spells for Gadgetzan if u have enough mana.

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