Boomsday Tempo Mage – #19 Legend (Asmodai)

Class: Mage - Format: raven - Type: tempo - Season: season-53 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Tempo Mage - Link: Source
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  1. Moonmittenz
    August 24, 2018 at 5:33 AM

    This deck is super affective but run into a couple of issues, depending on the deck I’m playing against you have to switch your play style up a little bit and this is where certain things come up. If I’m playing against a mech deck or something big creature based some of my big spell cards are used on them and not to player for direct damage and when doing so if using Aluneth you can burn to many cards trying to keep up pressure and end up killing yourself…I was thinking of switching it for the Archmage Antonia’s to make sure I can have extra fireballs on hand??

  2. Ricardo
    August 22, 2018 at 12:58 PM

    Replace for Luna?

  3. Somedude107
    August 17, 2018 at 11:40 PM

    I think this is the best version of the shooting mage this meta. Thanks for the great decklist!

  4. DarkVagician
    August 16, 2018 at 6:44 AM

    With Aluneth, Luna AND 2xAIs, would there not be too much card draw? Could it be worth replacing an Arcane Intellect with something else? Potentially something for HP or more board pressure…

    • Kayukitsu
      August 16, 2018 at 11:19 AM

      Card draw is super important in this deck, so I think you’ll find it’s nice to have that much- Aluneth has carried so many games for me, Luna is just great card draw for aggro style decks, and AI is always really… just solid.

    • CriticalDensity
      August 17, 2018 at 10:15 AM

      Playing it with -1 Counter Spell +1 Bloodmage Thalnos and gotta say, the extra draw power is important for this deck because you want to draw through it to find the necessary burn spells for mid-late game.
      Luna is a good draw engine with cheap stuff and pretty insane with one or two Apprentices.
      Also a solid play against aggro (with 2/4) and problematic for the following turns if your opponent can’t clear or ignores her.

      I remember when AI and Aluneth were the only Draw Tools and got stuck with neither. Luna closes this gap pretty good and the deck feels more like a good oiled engine;)