This deck has so much combos and synergy with every card in it, its just perfect for elemental shaman. Murmuring combined with stone sentenial turn 9 summon 6 cards for 9 mana (including 4x 2/3 elemental taunts). Then you have electra combined with bloodlust for the ultimate dmg, or with lighting storm/ avalanche for the perfect baord clear. This deck has so much drawing and discover potential its ridiculous. Plenty of taunts for those tough matchups (haven’t lost a game yet so idk what beats this deck).
Other cards you may want to include:
2x Hex
Healing rain
(Both these cards combined with electra would also be insane, 24 healing or 2x hex in 1 turn)
Just think about the possiblities with this deck, endless. I’m actually quite surprised that no streams or pro players have tried a tempo elemental Shaman deck or just a elemental Shaman deck in general.
NEW best Deck setup for this deck:
Swap 1x Elementary reaction for 1x FireFly
Swap 2x Fire PlumeHarbinger for 2x Hex
I am currently 15W/ 1L with this new setup
This deck looks really nice , im going to try it out :p
Thankyou, some tips have discovered playing the deck are:
If you struggle in the early game i would swap out 2xFire Plume for 2x Fire Fly as they will help reach your combos at a lower cost and provide that assistance in the early game.
If you struggle mid to late with big minions/ mech warrior for example, 2x hex would be the best idea, again swaping out with 2x Fire Plume. Goodluck and hope you do well
Hex would work twice on the same target, effectively hexing a Frog into a Frog…
yeah i know i was just testing to see if anyone would consider using this deck, or elemental tempo Shaman, lol