Remember when Spiteful Priest was “OP!!1!” and then Blizzard had to nerf Spiteful Summoner? Well, I tried creating a new version of Spiteful Priest. Had a solid run (after the nerf) with this deck going from rank 5 to rank 3 with a 21/7 win-lose ratio (75%). Fun fact: From the 7 losses I had, 4 of them were Druid; I went against 5 Druids (NERF STANDARD DRUID BLIZZARD).
Good matchups: Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Paladin, Shaman
Neutral matchups: Priest, Warlock, Warrior
Bad matchups: Druid
How-to-play: This deck is a mix between Deathrattle Hunter and Spiteful Priest. In saying that, you want to make your plays similar to Deathrattle Hunter in the early-mid turns (eg. get egg, crack egg, eat egg). But once Turn 7 comes around and you have Spiteful Summoner in your hand, you want to switch your play style to Spiteful Priest-like (big boys).
General: Northshire Cleric, Prince Keleseth, Devilsaur Egg, Saronite Chain Gang
Vs Aggro: Duskbreaker (only if you have another dragon), Saronite Chain Gang, Mind Control Tech (depending on the aggro deck), Defender of Argus (only if you have a three-drop)
Vs Control: Gilded Gargoyle, Cobalt Scalebane and Carnivorous Cube if you also have an egg, Zola the Gorgon (if you have Keleseth), Spiteful Summoner, Big Game Hunter (if against even warlock)
Turn 1: Northshire Cleric
Turn 2: Prince Keleseth
Turn 3: Zola the Gorgon the Keleseth or Devilsaur Egg
Turn 4: Defender of Argus or Spiritsinger Umbra
Turn 5: Cobalt Scalebane or Carnivorous Cube
Turn 6: Coin + Spiteful Summoner
Turn 7: Spiteful Summoner