I’ve been running a similar list from rank 5 to rank 3 for the past few days (my list is closer to Vipers). Combo decks sadly not much you can do, as well as Togwaggle. But I’ve actually not lost to many Malygos Druid’s. The key is to just armor up as much as possible and use removal to ensure that you keep your armor. Also, sometimes its best not to even use Dr Boom, Mad Genius until you have a good bit of extra armor. Most times I can put on so much armor that I’m out of range of Druids OTK, especially if you can destroy twig.
Which is more important to craft Dr Boom or Elise?
How the heck does this deck beat togwaggle and malygos druid, even warlock, and literally any combo deck.
I’ve been running a similar list from rank 5 to rank 3 for the past few days (my list is closer to Vipers). Combo decks sadly not much you can do, as well as Togwaggle. But I’ve actually not lost to many Malygos Druid’s. The key is to just armor up as much as possible and use removal to ensure that you keep your armor. Also, sometimes its best not to even use Dr Boom, Mad Genius until you have a good bit of extra armor. Most times I can put on so much armor that I’m out of range of Druids OTK, especially if you can destroy twig.
Why azalina ? Against Rhin?
sitting duck against combo. and well… combo is kind of a thing right now. Not to mention the moment Guldan/Jaina come out it’s GG.
1x Gorehowl > 2x Supercollider
Better against zoolock + pallys
I think that supercollider is much better than Gorehowl in this deck.