Boomsday Anti-Shudderwock Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-53 - Style: theorycraft

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This deck plays like a regular dead man’s hand warrior against any other deck, but if you play against shudderwock you are able to steal their shudderwocks and go infinite as well. To pull off the infinite shudderwocks with this deck you need to make sure that you have played both Cornered Sentrys, both Drywhiskerers, Lifedrinker, and Primordial Drake. Once you have played all 6 of these cards you will play Azalina Soulthief once your opponent has played Shudderwock for the first time. This way you get the 1 mana shudderwock which will continue to play the Azalina battlecry therefore you get infinite Shudderwocks. You make sure you play both sentrys and drywhiskerers so you can gain at least 12 armor per shudderwock and the primordial drake is to clear the board so you may play 10 shudderwocks in one turn. Lifedrinker will be the source of damage to kill the shaman. Also, before you play Azalina you could also play Bring It On therefore making the 1 mana Shudderwock cost 0 then you play Azalina which will give you the 0 mana Shudderwock and from there you have infinite Shudderwocks in one turn!

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